Sunday, January 25, 2015

Reel Talk: GANGNAM BLUES and Korean Gangster Cinema

Every Friday I appear on a segment called Reel Talk for Arirang TV on the 2 o'clock news, mostly covering Korean cinema.

I've made no secret of my love for Yoo Ha's comeback Gangnam Blues (you can read MKC's review here) and this week on Reel Talk I took the opportunity to sing its praises and briefly look back over the rich history of Korean gangster cinema.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Review: GANGNAM BLUES, a Gorgeously Overwrought Gangster Classic in the Making

By Pierce Conran

Yoo Ha returns to gangster cinema and knocks it right out of the park with his latest, an evocative and immensely entertaining saga that pits a common tale of brotherhood and betrayal against a thrilling period setting mired in violence and corruption. Nine years after A Dirty Carnival, Yoo has maintained his knack for combining genre filmmaking and subtle symbolism, while also elevating his craft to encompass the full range of Korean cinema’s technical knowhow in Gangnam Blues.

Friday, January 23, 2015

News: Kino Lorber to Give US Viewers A HARD DAY

By Pierce Conran

One of last year's best Korean films, the thriller A Hard Day is finally going to find its way to American theaters after being picked up by Kino Lorber. The film will be released this summer before hitting the home market in autumn.

Discover a Wealth of Upcoming Korean Releases in MKC's New Database

It's taken some tinkering but, finally, we've finished the new Upcoming Releases page. While many excellent databases exist online with information on future Korean films, many are hard to navigate or far from comprehensive. We wanted to provide an easy to use resource listing all Korean films on the horizon and we believe we've been able to do that.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Review: THE ROYAL TAILOR Spins a Colorful Period Yarn

By Pierce Conran

Period dramas are all the rage in Korea at the moment, but while some have been setting records at the box office (such as Roaring Currents), not all have been successful. No film is a guaranteed hit but period productions are a costlier gamble than most and with those risks come certain strings. The Royal Tailor, a King’s court drama with a penchant for colorful fashion and plenty of humor, is a fine sophomore effort from Lee Won-suk, if one that feels bound by certain restrictions and obligations, particularly in its final act.

New Korean Films: At a Crossroads (2015 Week 3)

Gangnam Blues
(강남 1970)

By Fabien Schneider

In the 1970s, all eyes were turned towards the underprivileged neighborhood known today as Gangnam in the southern part of ever-sprawling Seoul. The prospect of the redevelopment of that area stirred up a hornet’s nest between the corrupted political authorities, real estate agencies and low-life gangsters. Jong-dae and Yong-gi are two orphans who ran away from their children's home where they met and since then struggle every day to survive in their shanty home. When their house is destroyed by mobsters, they get separated and take different paths. Three years later, Jong-dae has now settled down, living a quiet life with the family of his former boss, Kil-su. But this tranquility is put at risk when Madame Min, a real estate investor who has connections in political and media circles, is taking action to get all the rights over Gangnam’s territories. Jong-dae joins her in an attempt to enhance his life. Yong-ki, along with the most powerful gang of Seoul in which he became a highly-ranked goon, is going to fight back, and in the process will meet again his old friend.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

News: Gong Yoo Joins Yeon Sang-ho's Live Action Zombie Thriller BUSAN-BOUND

By Pierce Conran

Yeon Sang-ho has come a long way in just a few years. After two highly acclaimed animations and another in post, the filmmaker will be making his live action debut this year, with the big-budget zombie thriller Busan-Bound. The Suspect's Gong Yoo has already confirmed his appearance, while Ma Dong-seok (One on One) looks set to sign on beside him.

Review: THE CON ARTISTS Aims Right Down the Middle and Is All the Better for It

By Pierce Conran

There are many things we demand from films, good stories, strong characters, style… the list goes on. However, more than everything else, there is one thing people clamor for the most, particularly in its absence: originality. We readily point out clichés and stereotypes and are quick to lament the prevalence of the done-to-death scenarios that litter today’s multiplexes. This applies to most films, but there are some, particularly within the heart of the mid-level commercial field, that can sometimes get away with it. The Con Artists, released last month, is such a film.

Coming Attractions: THE DEAL Offers Familiar Thrills

By Rex Baylon

First-time director Son Yong-ho will debut his film The Deal in March of this year. The film stars Kim Sang-kyung, Park Sung-woong, Kim Sung-kyun and Yoon Seung-ah in a story that revolves around a detective and a civilian who have had no prior connection to each other except for the fact that both men have lost loved ones at the hands of serial killer Kang-cheon.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Review: CHRONICLE OF A BLOOD MERCHANT Favors Strong Cast Over Plot

By Pierce Conran

Outside of indie cinema, actors directing themselves in leading roles are quite rare in Korean films,  making Ha Jung-woo’s Chronicle of a Blood Merchant something of an oddity. One of the country’s biggest stars, Ha surrounds himself with a wealth of acting talent in an unassuming period-set comedy-drama that ultimately steers into histrionics. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

News: Seol Kyung-gu and Ko Soo Search for Clues in LUCID DREAM

By Pierce Conran

Seol Kyung-gu and Ko Soo are teaming for upcoming thriller Lucid Dream. From first time director Kim Joon-sung, the film will also star Kang Hye-jung. The story, if I understood it correctly, deals with a father who goes searching for his kidnapped child. He enlists the help of people who can find clues through lucid dreams.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Review: Meditative POHANG HARBOR Doesn't Quite Connect

By Pierce Conran

In a country with so many hardships out in the open and an unspoken swell of pain swirling just beneath the surface, there needs to be a release valve for the frustrations of ordinary citizens. In Korea, that role is often taken on by cinema.