Top 10 Korean Films of 2014

1. A Girl at My Door

For me, the year’s best Korean film, and a sentiment that seems to be shared with a number of other foreign Korean film critics, is the powerful debut A Girl at My Door by July Jung. Unfortunately, the film was met with something of a muted response in Korea, with many local critics feeling that executive producer Lee Chang-dong’s shadow looms too large over Jung’s film. While not a groundless accusation, it does a disservice to a rich film that delves into characters perhaps deeper than any other Korean film this year.

Bae Doo-na and Kim Sae-ron are both terrific in a film that is a rarity in Korea, one with strong and unique female roles. Also revelatory is maladroit funny man Song Sae-byeok who shows a new side of himself as a terrifying and abusive father. To reiterate my original review of the film, A Girl at My Door is Korean cinema at its finest.

Intro - 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Best of the Rest

Top 10 Lists

Year   2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - All Time (Top 25)

Genre   Gangster - Revenge

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