Top 10 Korean Films of 2014

2. Haemoo

A devastating at-sea thriller with pedigree talent that was unfortunate to have come out at the wrong time, Haemoo is a dark and uncompromising film that is a chamber piece and a psychological drama just as much as it is a high stakes blockbuster (with a $10 million price tag). Alas, the recent Sewol disaster presented too many upsetting parallels and led to local viewers largely avoiding the film, yet for those that did venture out to see it, it left an impression.

Haemoo marks the directing debut of Memories of Murder (2003) scribe Shim Sung-bo, while Bong Joon-ho served as executive producer and co-writer. The latter’s influence is certainly evident yet it also overshadowed the rookie’s performance at the helm, much like another film on this list. With stunning cinematography, top drawer performances and some unforgettable set pieces, Haemoo was for me the best that commercial Korean cinema had to offer in 2014.

Intro - 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - Best of the Rest

Top 10 Lists

Year   2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - All Time (Top 25)

Genre   Gangster - Revenge

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