
Friday, May 29, 2015

Coming Attractions: Keep Your Friends Close But Keep Your INTIMATE ENEMIES Closer

By Rex Baylon

It's been awhile since we've heard from Im Sang-Soo. Having made big waves in the early aughts with critically acclaimed films like A Good Lawyer's Wife (2003) and The President's Last Bang (2005), it's been three years since one of his films was released, and sadly a lot of his latter work leaves much to be desired. Intimate Enemies, with a projected release date of June 25th, seems to be yet another meditation on the ways money and power corrupt the human animal. Though instead of the dour oppressive atmosphere that was present in works like The Housemaid (2010) and The Taste of Money (2012), Im has Ryoo Seung-Bum to inject his picture with Ryoo's trademark rakish charm. I love the conman subgenre and from the trailer it looks as if Intimate Enemies has the requisite colorful characters, sex appeal, and elaborate grifts that are the hallmarks of the genre.

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  1. What happened to the site? No updates from so many days...

  2. This is a great movie. Thanks for sharing.
