
Friday, January 9, 2015

News: 6 Korean Films Headed to Göteborg

The film festival train is back in full swing and the Göteborg International Film Festival, one of the first major events of the year, revealed its 38th program, which kicks off on January 23rd. As always, there will be a strong Korean presence in Sweden with six titles in the lineup this year.

Among those are Park Jung-bum's Jeonju project Alive and Jang Kun-jae's A Midsummer's Fantasia (commissioned by the Nara Intl. Film Festival), both of which made our Top 10 of 2014. Also invited are Kim Dong-myun's The Liar with Kim Kkot-bi, which premiered at Busan, and a trio of co-productions. Those include the György Pálfi's Jeonju project Free Fall (France-Hungary-Korea), Albert Shin's In Her Place (Canada-Korea) and Yoo Soon-mi's documentary Songs from the North (Korea-Portugal-USA).

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