
Friday, January 23, 2015

Discover a Wealth of Upcoming Korean Releases in MKC's New Database

It's taken some tinkering but, finally, we've finished the new Upcoming Releases page. While many excellent databases exist online with information on future Korean films, many are hard to navigate or far from comprehensive. We wanted to provide an easy to use resource listing all Korean films on the horizon and we believe we've been able to do that.

Broken down into scheduled releases and further out films in various stages of production, the pages list important info without going into too much detail. As far as commercial cinema is concerned, the list is more or less complete, though we have omitted films that are still only in development and lack a start date. What is harder to gauge are the many incoming independent films, as their production cycles don't often make the news (save for names like Hong Sangsoo and Kim Ki-duk), so not many are listed here. As far as films that have screened at festivals but have yet to hit Korean theaters, we're only listing those scheduled in the immediate future.

That said, even within those parameters there are likely still plenty of holes, so please feel free to contact us if you know of titles that are not listed.

Please enjoy and click through the box below to discover ~100 future Korean projects. You can access the Upcoming Releases homepage anywhere by clicking the tab under the site logo.

Scheduled January - February - March

Coming Soon  Post-Production - Filming - Pre-Production

Reviews and features on Korean film appear regularly on Modern Korean Cinema.  For film news, external reviews, and box office analysis, take a look at the Korean Box Office UpdateKorean Cinema News and the Weekly Review Round-up, which appear weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings (GMT+1).

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