
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Revenge Week: Conclusion

Part of MKC's Revenge Week (July 8-14, 2013).

All good things must come to an end, and after nine days (roughly a week) and 30 articles, Revenge Week is winding up on MKC. It's been a great journey and I would like to thank everyone who contributed and of course all of you that have visited the site this week. It wouldn't have been possible without you.

So what did we learn during Revenge Week? We know Korea produces a lot of revenge films and while the country's rocky history has contributed to the trend, there's clearly a lot more at play. Women's issues, family strife, hierarchy and history are just some of the contributing factors but a lot of the theme's popularity also boils down to its natural fit on screen. It demands stylish mise-en-scene, allows for easy to follow narratives and creates clearly defined protagonists and villains.

Personally, all the content we've received this month has only prompted me to further explore the concept of revenge in Korean cinema. I have a few pieces on the go concerning maternal vengeance, gangsters and revenge, appropriating foreign revenge narratives and more so I guess this means we'll have to think about staging Revenge Week II at some point in the future!

Before that however, I think it is high time we have a K-Horror Week on MKC and I'm hoping to do this near the end of the year. Please let me know if you would like to get involved by getting in touch at [email protected].

Well that's it folks! Thanks again, stick around for some great content and have a look below to see if you missed anything during Revenge Week. I'm spent (in a good way) and tomorrow will be off to PiFan. Never a dull moment on MKC ;)

Introduction - Seeds of Revenge
A Dish Best Served Cold
Trailers of Revenge! Day 1
Top 10 Korean Revenge Films
Seeing Devils - Violence and Revenge in Kim Jee-woon's I Saw the Devil (Part I)
26 Years - The Ultimate Revenge Narrative
Trailers of Revenge! Day 2
Fatal Femininity, Masochistic Masculinity - The Films of Kim Ki-young
Don't Cry Mommy - A Necessary Lesson Poorly Delivered
Seeing Devils - Violence and Revenge in Kim Jee-woon's I Saw the Devil (Part II)
The Dubious Revenge of To Sir, with Love (2006)
Trailers of Revenge! Day 3
Dirty Blood's Dangerous Payback
Amour Noir - The Tragic Outcome of Happy End
Trailers of Revenge! Day 4
Webcomics Harbor Old Grudges in Killer Toon
Exploring Themes of Vengeance in Small Town Rivals (2007)
Trailers of Revenge! Day 5
Vengeance Trilogy DVD/Blu-ray Giveaway!
Trailers of Revenge! Day 6
Filmic Self-reflexivity and Revenge in Park Chan-wook’s Cut (2004) - Part I
The Vengeful Ripples of Bong Joon-ho’s Mother
Recent “Women's Revenge” Films and The Curious Case of Bedevilled
Filmic Self-reflexivity and Revenge in Park Chan-wook’s Cut (2004) - Part II
Hell Hath No Fury... Part I
MKC Thought Leader's Corner (July 2013)
Hell Hath No Fury... Part II - Diary of June
Reader's Top 10 Korean Revenge Films

Reviews and features on Korean film appear regularly on Modern Korean Cinema.  For film news, external reviews, and box office analysis, take a look at the Korean Box Office UpdateKorean Cinema News and the Weekly Korean Reviews, which appear weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings (Korean Standard Time).

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all your hard work; I really enjoyed this. :)
