
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Modern Korean Cinema Turns 2!

A year ago I took the time to thank you all and reflect on how much Modern Korean Cinema had grown in the preceding 12 months. I also expressed a hope that it could grow and improve in the future. Now, as we pass the two-year mark, things have truly kicked off. The readership is up 500% and the amount of content in our second year has trebled. So the time has come again to extend a big thank you to all of you who have helped to bring the site to where it is today. Without you this wouldn't be possible and there also wouldn't be much a point as this site is about sharing a passion for Korean cinema.

It's been a significant past year for me as well as I made my big move to Seoul, though it's hard to believe that that was less than three months ago. MKC has become part of me and scarcely a moment goes by when I don't think about it. One thing that has changed things is stepping away from my Macbook's screen. Beginning in 2012 I've begun to represent MKC at major international film festivals (Fribourg, Udine, PiFan, Jecheon, CinDi and soon Busan) and this has opened up a world of possibilities. It lead to my current gig as the Korea correspondent for Twitchfilm and to my first published journal article in Scope.  By the time PiFan came around I was writing for its Cine21-published daily and there's also the Directory of World Cinema: South Korea coming out later this year.

Though I'm grateful for these opportunities and proud of my achievements I should point out that despite my increasing obligations and the writing I've done away from the site, I remain the editor of Modern Korean Cinema. Frankly, I'm more serious about MKC than ever and I hope this is reflected in its increasing content.

Going in to year 3, there will be some changes afoot. Some new contributors will be coming on board very soon and I'm very excited about this and what it means for the site: namely more up-to-date, high-quality content and features. Speaking of features I'm hoping to start a few ongoing pieces in the near future but more info on these as they become concrete. Finally, following last year's enormously successful 'Jopok Week' I'm planning to run a similar genre-themed week in early December which I will be soliciting content for. I'm not 100% sure what the genre will be yet (though I have one in mind), feel free to chime in.

On that note I would also like to ask all of who what you think of the site and if you might have any suggestions for improving it.

Well, thank you all again so much for your continued support and I hope that in August 2013 we'll be able to reflect on an even better year for Modern Korean Cinema.



Reviews and features on Korean film appear regularly on Modern Korean Cinema.  For film news, external reviews, and box office analysis, take a look at the Korean Box Office UpdateKorean Cinema News and the Weekly Korean Reviews, which appear weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings (Korean Standard Time).

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