
Friday, August 31, 2012

8th Jecheon International Music & Film Festival Wrap-up

Part of MKC's coverage of the Jecheon Intl. Music & Film Festival.

It took me a while to gather my thoughts on the eight films I saw during my brief weekend at the 8th Jecheon International Music & Film Festival but now that I've really had the time to think about it, I can say that it was well worth my time. I saw some very good films and a few bad ones but most of all the event reminded me that I'm actually a huge music enthusiast. These days as I try to keep up with everything going on in the film world, it's very easy to forget that. I often go weeks at time without ever opening iTunes. So for that, as well as the great films I did see, I am grateful for the Jecheon film festival and I will gladly be returning for its 9th edition next year.

On that note, convert though I've become of this fest, I did not have the opportunity to sample the music side of it, that is to say the many concerts on offer around Jecheon. I was focussed on the films and what's more I was there by myself but I'll try to remedy this next year and get even more out of the festival. Hopefully I'll also be in a situation where I can spend a little more time there. The only thing I regret is that I didn't get a chance to see any of the Korean films on offer, a number of which I was looking forward to.

Reviews for all of the films I saw at Jecheon are available below and if I was to pick a top 3, it would look something like this:

1. The Last Elvis
2. Gainsbourg By Gainsbourg
3. Punk's Not Dead

Well that about does it for this year's Jecheon coverage, thanks for reading!

Morente (Morente, flamenco y Picasso, Spain) 2011
The Moon (Pumpuang, Thailand) 2011
Gainsbourg By Gainsbourg: An Intimate Self-Portrait (Je suis venu vous dire..., France) 2012
Abba (阿爸, Taiwan) 2011
Punk's Not Dead (Pankot ne e mrtov, Macedonia) 2011

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