
Monday, July 2, 2012

Korean Box Office Update (06/29, 07/01, 2012)

An Amazing Start for Spiderman

Title Release Date Market Share Weekend Total Screens
1 The Amazing Spiderman (us) 6/28/12 71.40% 1,417,504 1,694,733 1,114
2 The Emperor's Concubine 6/6/12 5.20% 122,415 2,452,708 318
3 Madascar 3 (us) 6/6/12 4.90% 120,261 1,443,354 396
4 All About My Wife 5/17/12 4.70% 110,905 4,385,425 240
5 Cabin in the Woods (us) 6/28/12 4.30% 99,438 130,929 287
6 Miss GO 6/21/12 3.70% 88,346 551,625 309
7 King of XXX-Kissing 6/21/12 2.80% 68,375 432,192 272
8 Runway Cop 5/30/12 0.80% 21,134 1,325,807 114
9 Lockout (us) 6/14/12 0.30% 6,852 457,060 84
10 Two Weddings and a Funeral 6/21/12 0.20% 5,498 34,608 39

Well, not too much to report this week, as expected the new Spiderman lorded over the box office and left everyone else fighting for scraps. 2 million tickets were sold over the week and the local market share was a paltry 16%, a sharp decline from last weekend. However, things were even worse last year when Transformers 3 scored the biggest opening of all time and propelled the frame to a 2.6 million take with the Korean market share almost non-existent at 13%.

So, The Amazing Spiderman opened with a hefty 1,417,504 as it played on over a thousand screens across the country. Reviews have been fairly positive and while much demand has likely been burned off already, the new superhero flick will have no trouble staying atop the chart next weekend though it will earn significantly in its second spin.

The Emperor's Concubine took its biggest hit yet (45%) but is still proving to be quite a draw as it earned 122,415. It is a shade away from 2.5 million but is no longer in the running for 3.

Madagascar 3 also saw its take nearly halved for another 120,261. It will cross the 1.5 million mark next weekend but won't have enough steam to go any further.

All About My Wife took another 110,905 and had the best dropoff of all the holdovers though it was still nearly 40%. It's about 300,000 away from Nameless Gangster's total now but may not quite make it over the finish line.

Cabin in the Woods also opened this week and the Joss Whedon-produced horror didn't impress with 99,438. Word on the pic is very good though so it is not impossible that it could squeeze out a little money before the end of its run.

Both Miss GO and The King of XXX-Kissing crumbled in their sophomore outings, off 68% a piece for 88,346 and 68,375 respectively. The films will likely bow out of theaters with 700 and 600,000, very poor performances.

Rounding out the chart were: Runway Cop which is winding up its run after another 21,134; Lockout with 6,852 during its last spin in the top 10; and local gay-themed release Two Weddings and a Funeral which made a surprise appearance in the chart, though it was down 57% from last weekend with 5,498.

The Amazing Spiderman will have no trouble keeping the crown next weekend and the only release likely to make any impact is local zombie flick Deranged, though I doubt it will open north of half a million.


The Korean Box Office Update is a weekly feature which provides detailed analysis of film box office sales over the Friday to Sunday period in Korea. It appears every Sunday night (Korean Standard Time) on Modern Korean Cinema. For other weekly features, take a look at Korean Cinema News and the Weekly Review Round-upReviews and features on Korean film also appear regularly on the site. 

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