
Friday, May 18, 2012

Weekly Review Round-up (05/12-05/18, 2012)

A lot of reviews this week and many of them for a trio of action/war film which are currently making the rounds in North America, either in theatres or on the home video market.  I'm thrilled to see such interest in these titles but the fact that they all stem from the same genre doesn't really give me high hopes for expanding English-language consumers interest in the broader Korean film industry.  THese titles just confirm that Korean cinema, at present, is still viewed as a niche genre industry abroad, which couldn't be further from the truth.  Sigh...

Also from now on you may notice a few more Twitch reviews as I have been taken on as their Korean correspondent.



(Twitch, May 12, 2012)


(Greenteacuts, May 13, 2012)

(Seongyong's Private Place, May 18, 2012)


(Beyond Hollywood, May 12, 2012)

My Way

(, May 2012)

(, May 2012)


(, May 2012)

(VCinema, May 11, 2012)

The Front Line

(Cinemaroll, May 15, 2012)

(Tarumatu, May 14, 2012)


War of the Arrows


(Init_Scenes, May 13, 2012)

(Hangul Celluloid, May 12, 2012)

(Hanguk Yeonghwa, May 17, 2012)

(Seongyong's Private Place, May 14, 2012)

(Korean Grindhouse, May 15, 2012)

(Seen in Jeonju, May 12, 2012)

(Flixist, May 15, 2012)

The Weekly Review Round-up is a weekly feature which brings together all available reviews of Korean films in the English language (and sometimes French) that have recently appeared on the internet. It is by no means a comprehensive feature and additions are welcome (email pierceconran [at] gmail [dot] com). It appears every Friday morning (GMT+1) on Modern Korean Cinema. For other weekly features, take a look at Korean Cinema News, and the Korean Box Office UpdateReviews and features on Korean film also appear regularly on the site. 

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