
Friday, May 11, 2012

Weekly Review Round-up (05/05-05/11, 2012)

Many reviews for a wide variety of films this week and I've rejigged the subsections to reflect films that have already been released in Korea and those that have played at international festivals but have, as of yet, not secured a Korean release date.

Over on the VCinema Show website, which I am a contributor for, Adam Hartzell has embarked on a week-long consideration of Hong Sang-soo's The Day He Arrives as he posts his thoughts after seeing it every day during its week long engagement in San Francisco.  Below are the links to his special feature with only the final day outstanding, which will likely be posted this evening:


(Modern Korean Cinema, May 10, 2012)


As One



(Korean Class Massive, May 6, 2012)

(Life's an Adventure, May 8, 2012)

(cineawesome!, May 9, 2012)

My Way

(Life's an Adventure, May 10, 2012)

(The One One Four, May 8, 2012)

(Hanguk Yeonghwa, May 8, 2012)

(, May 8, 2012)

(The Wheel's Still in Spin, May 6, 2012)

(Movie Buzzers, May 8, 2012)

War of the Arrows


(Wildrgrounds, May 4, 2012)

(The Wheel's Still in Spin, May 6, 2012)

(, May 10, 2012)


(Korean Grindhouse, May 6, 2012)

Magicians, 2005
(Beyond Hollywood, May 10, 2012)

Mother, 2009
(Relative Films Reviews, May 4, 2012)

Shiri, 1999
(KOFFIA Blog, May 11, 2012)

The Weekly Review Round-up is a weekly feature which brings together all available reviews of Korean films in the English language (and sometimes French) that have recently appeared on the internet. It is by no means a comprehensive feature and additions are welcome (email pierceconran [at] gmail [dot] com). It appears every Friday morning (GMT+1) on Modern Korean Cinema. For other weekly features, take a look at Korean Cinema News, and the Korean Box Office UpdateReviews and features on Korean film also appear regularly on the site. 

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