
Friday, April 6, 2012

Weekly Review Round-up (03/31-04/06, 2012)

Great cross-section of reviews this week including for a number of new releases.



(Film Business Asia, April 6, 2012)

(Hanguk Yeonghwa, April 5, 2012)

(Variety, March 29, 2012 - Paid Subscription)

Stateless Things


(Film in Asian, April 2, 2012)

(Digital Retribution, April 4, 2012)

(The One One Four, April 1, 2012)

(Hanguk Yeonghwa, April 1, 2012)

(, March 30, 2012)

(Variety, March 30, 2012 - Paid Subscrition)

My Way

(, March 31, 2012)

The Yellow Sea


(Init_Scene, March 31, 2012)

(Korean Class Massive, April 2, 2012)

(Init_Scenes, March 30, 2012)

My Love, 2007
(Init_Scenes, April 1, 2012)

(Init_Scenes, April 5, 2012)

(Korean Grindhouse, March 31, 2012)

(Seen in Jeonju, April 1, 2012)

The Weekly Review Round-up is a weekly feature which brings together all available reviews of Korean films in the English language (and sometimes French) that have recently appeared on the internet. It is by no means a comprehensive feature and additions are welcome (email pierceconran [at] gmail [dot] com). It appears every Friday morning (GMT+1) on Modern Korean Cinema. For other weekly features, take a look at Korean Cinema News, and the Korean Box Office UpdateReviews and features on Korean film also appear regularly on the site. 

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