
Monday, April 16, 2012

MKC (and I) Are Moving to Seoul!

source: Deiaemeth

Part of an ongoing series about my trip to and discovery of Seoul...

It occurs to me that some of you make not know where Modern Korean Cinema is based.  I initially set up the site in August 2010 while I was living and working in Los Angeles, USA.  But it wasn't until March 2011 that I really started to throw myself into the project, this was when the first Korean Cinema Blogathon came around which was a fantastic entry and contact point for all that was related to Korean cinema online.

Sadly I was forced to leave America at the end of July after a long battle to renew my visa didn't come out in my favour.  It was a difficult time as it meant I had to leave my friends, my job and, most importantly, my girlfriend, who is simply the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I returned to my childhood home at the base of the Alps in Switzerland and set about getting my life back on track.  I was not able to find suitable employment in the country but after seeing MKC really take off and getting offers to write for books and journals as a result of it, it occurred that the best thing I could do would be to follow my passion.

At the end of last year I made the decision to move to South Korea.  I took my time looking for a position as I had a few engagements throughout Europe during the early part of the year that I didn't want to miss such as the East Winds Symposium in Coventry, the Fribourg Intl. Film Festival and the upcoming Udine Far East Film Festival.  But now the stage is set as last Thursday I signed a contract with a school in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul to teach English.  Will be there once the visa goes through, which looks like mid-May.

I am looking forward to meeting so many people in Seoul and across Korea who have been supportive of Modern Korean Cinema and to finally visit a country that has long held my fascination.  I can't wait to attend the country's many great festivals and savour the peninsula's wonderful cuisine.

I hope that the opportunity will only improve the quality of MKC as reviews of major Korean releases will be up sooner (if I can see them in theatres with English subtitles), more accurate and up to date news should be accessible, I will have a chance to cover the Busan Intl. Film Festival and much more.

So I will take this opportunity to thank you all for visiting MKC and for your continued support, none of this would be possible without you.  I am thrilled to be moving to Korea and if any of you want to meet up for a chat, a drink or some 김치, do not hesitate to contact me at pierconran [at] modernkoreancinema [dot] com!


Korean BBQ with Friends last month in London


  1. Hope to see you at this year's BIFF!

  2. Thrilled for you (and jealous of course since I'm London-stuck for another 2-2.5 years)... and you must be over the moon!

    I'm curious though, so you don't actually have an American passport? (You surely sound (North) American!) I'm assuming you don't have a Swiss one, though, since in quite a few Asian countries they have this stupid rule of not hiring you as an English teacher unless you have a passport from one of the few officially English-speaking nations (which is complete nonsense... I have friends who ONLY speak English due to growing-up-abroad but have passports from the 'wrong' countries and were thus turned down by TEFL schools).

    1. Thanks so much, yes I'm thrilled! Indeed, while I do sound American I'm actually Irish. It's true that the rules are a bit generalist, just like the degree stipulation. I guess I'm lucky to fit the requirements as they stands.

  3. You're an big inspiration for me. I'm currently studying Asian American Studies and Korean Studies at UC Berkeley and hope to eventually study Korean Film Studies in Seoul once I graduate. Your blog is amazing!!

    1. It means a lot to me for you to say that Billy so thank you very much! How much longer do you have at UCB? Be sure to let me know when you get to Seoul, if only for a visit.

  4. Good luck in Seoul. I hope it's a good experience for you!

  5. WoooW!!! I knew it when I met you!!!

    Congratulations! I know you are really going to enjoy your life there. I was there once as tourist and I felt in love with the country.

    Now, I do remember the drink that we shared in the pub after the Kccuk night and I think that was a really good inspiration for me. I wrote about the Terracota Film Festival last weekend: You have watched "Himizu", You know what I mean.

    When are you moving there? I will keep in touch with you by the blog or via email coz depends how long You will live in Korea, We will have the chance to meet up again in Japan or Korea! Busan Festival some day? ^_^

    Good Luck my friend!
