
Sunday, March 11, 2012

2012 Korean Cinema Blogathon

Modern Korean Cinema is very proud to be involved with this year's Korean Cinema Blogathon.  All of the event's links will be mirrored here throughout the week.

This post will remained stickied to the top during the week and can also be found as a tab in the above menu.

Hope you all enjoy this great event and please submit your own content!

This year's Blogathon is run by Rufus over at cineAWESOME! and all of the event's links can also be found at at KOFFIA, VCinema, Hangul Celluloid, New Korean Cinema, HanCinema and Far East Films.

Link Submissions Rules (from host cineAWESOME!):
-Please submit links with the author of the article, the title/topic of the article and the link to that article.  If in another language please indicate that in the submission as well!
-Submit links to [email protected], or on our Facebook page.

March 5, 2012

Richard Gray writes “Korean First: Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance” over at KOFFIA!

Cho Seongyong reconsiders The Yellow Sea over at his blog!

Amy watches Spring Bears Love (with cineAWESOME! favorite Bae Doona) over at YAM Magazine.

Paul Bramhall writes about his first experiences with Korean cinema in the article Hammer & Tooth: My First Encounter with Korean Cinema over at KOFFIA.

Our very own Jeff Wildman takes on one of the strangest romantic comedies in years: I’m A Cyborg, But That’s Okay.

Sarah Ward writes about one of the best actors in the industry today with her article Song Kang-ho: An adaptable icon over at KOFFIA

Giacomo Lee reviews highschool indie drama Bleak Night and our first tumblr entry!

DBBorroughs watches the war film 71-Into the Fire over at Unseen Films.

Martin Cleary starts a great list with Film Recommendations – Fifteen Films of the New Korean Cinema (Part One) over at New Korean Cinema.

Pierce Conran gives us the skinny on Korean ticket sales with Korean Box Office Update (03/2-03/4, 2012) over at Modern Korean Cinema.

Wildgrounds takes us on a tour of Korea with South Korean Film Locations.

Milo writes Mighty South Korean Thrillers: The Yellow Sea and The Chaser over at Blog of the Northstar

Connor McMorran contributes three! Hong Sang-soo articles Woman is the Future of Man HaHaHa and The Day He Arrivesover at Rainy Day Movies.

Pierce Conran reviews Song Il-gon’s latest film Always over at Modern Korean Cinema.

Ghost writes KOREAN FILMS: WE AREN’T ALL ABOUT VENGEANCE over at Yam Magazine! (So true)

Orion looks at sci-fi omnibus film Doomsday Book in Doomsday Book-Where is your Sci-fi Korea? over at Orion’s Ramblings.

Alua writes Korean Cinema…Outside of London over on the blog Otherwhere.

Dini R. takes a look at Bleak Night over at We Eat Lemon.

James Schergen reviews Come Rain, Come Shine over at Flying Guillotine.

Ki Mun reviews Helpless over at Scene in Korea.

Kenneth Brorsson, Rufus de Rham, Paul Quinn begin What’s Korean Cinema Season 2 with Castaway on the Moon over at the Podcast on Fire network.

Kenneth Brorsson reviews Oasis at Podcast on Fire Network.

Adam D. looks at the classic North/South feud in the form of kaiju films YONGARY and PULGASARI over at VCinema Show.

Pierce Conran reviews Countdown for the fine folks at VCinema.

Christopher Wheeler takes a look at Xtreme Korea with The Man From Nowhere over at KOFFIA.

Colleen Wanglund looks back at A TALE OF TWO SISTERS over at VCinema.

James Brown looks at his own experience with Korean cinema with Audacious and Refreshing: Discovering Korean Cinemaover at KOFFIA.

Julyssa continues from last year with MY LOVE FOR KOREAN CINEMA PART. 2 – SUNNY SIDE UP over at Yam Magazine.

Jimi reviews Kim Ki-duk classic The Isle over at Oriental Film House

Anna reviews Drifting Away over at Korean Indie (one of my favorite Korean music blogs)

Jacob Feltner reviews Bleak Night in an episode of Podcast Without Honor and Humanity.

Brad Gullickson watches The Good, The Bad and The Weird right here on cineAWESOME!

Wasim Hossain writes four! reviews: I’m a Cyborg, But That’s Okay, Poetry, Feather, and A Dirty Carnival.

Rufus talks about how he got started in the Korean film scene with The Beginnings: or how a joke changed Rufus’ life right here on cineAWESOME!

"The Emergence and Growth of Sexual Content in Korean Cinema" essay/paper that formed the basis for Hangulcelluloid's talk at the 'East Winds' symposium (Coventry university) in March 2012.

"Love, Loss and Laughter" essay/paper that formed the basis of Hangul Celluloid's talk at the 'Asian Exposure' symposium at CUEAFS last year.

March 6, 2012

Lynn Shipp reviews Bichunmoo over at Wolves In Winter.

Mark talks about The Problem of Movie Soundtracks over at Korean Indie!

Sung Moon reviews Take Care of My Cat for Yam Magazine.

Julian Buckeridge takes a look at Director Ryoo Seung-wan’s career with More Than Just an Action Kid over at KOFFIA.

Hieu Chau finds Korean film in Cinema with a Vengeance at KOFFIA.

Paul Bramhall writes Going International: A Look at ‘Ninja Assassin’ & ‘The Warrior’s Way’ for KOFFIA.

Martin Cleary continues his Film Recommendations – Fifteen Films of the New Korean Cinema (Part Two) over at New Korean Cinema.

DB Borroughs reviews Showdown over at Unseen Films.

Pierce Conran gives us his Top 10 Korean Films of 2010 over at Modern Korean Cinema.

Andrew Saroch reviews War of The Arrows for Far East Films.

Phil Mills reviews Death Bell for Far East Films.

Andrew Skeates reviews The Front Line for Far East Films.

Dini R. reviews 2011′s smash hit Sunny over at We Eat Lemons.

Orion writes Hollywood Invasion: the End of Korean Cinema? over at Orion’s Ramblings.

Mr. C reviews Miss, Please Be Patient (1981) over at Planet Chocko.

Marc Raymond gives us a “A Hong Sang-soo Primer” over at Cinephile Foreigner in Korea.

Rebo Luistro reviews Hello Ghost over at Rebzombie Reviews.

Marc Saint-Cyr reviews Lee Chang-dong’s Green Fish at VCinema.

Kimchi Soul talks about DVD Bang Experience over at, well, her blog Kimchi Soul.

Connor McMorran graces us with three reviews of Ryu Seung-wan films: No Blood, No Tears, Crying Fist, and The City of Violence over at Rainy Day Movies.

Pierce Conran reviews Champ at VCinema.

Dr. Stan Glick highlights the Hong Sang-soo retrospective at MoMI, and points to older reviews of Secret Reunion, Aachi and Ssipak, Poetry, and Secret Sunshine. As well as linking to an interview with Lee Chang-dong, and highlighting a very special issue of Asian Cult Cinema.

Alua reviews Crossroads of Youth over at Otherwhere.

Colleen Wanglund reviews Phone for VCinema.

Samson Kwok writes A Special Film: Bong Joon-ho’s Mother for KOFFIA.

Richard Grey talks Violence Meets Violence: I Saw The Devil over at KOFFIA.

Raelene L. talks about Discovering Korean Cinema: Redefining Storytelling and Kim Ki-duk’s 3-Iron for KOFFIA.

Mini Mini Movie Review posts a piece on an E J-Yong interview.

March 7, 2012

Dini R. Starts the day with a review of indie coming of age story Eighteen on We Eat Lemons.

Matthew J. Constantine returns to review the Blade Runner rip-off Natural City right here on cineAWESOME!

DB Borroughs reviews Children at Unseen Films.

Pierce Conran gives us the Korean Cinema News from 3/1-3/7 over at Modern Korean Cinema.

Paul Quinn posts two of his essays on Korean film done for the East Winds Symposiums over at Hangul Celluloid.

Amy writes about her love for Bae Doona (we love her too) over at Yam Magazine.

Paul Bramhall writes Hollywood Bound: Korea’s Trio of Talent Head West for KOFFIA.

Orion reviews Jeon Woochi over at Orion’s Ramblings.

Kimchi Soul reviews Crossroads of Youth and Handphone over at Kimchi Soul.

Ki Mun gives an overview of Korean cinema for March 2012 over at Scene in Korea.

Mr. C. reviews Armless Swordsman over at Planet Chocko. (I keep wondering where he gets all these great classic films!)

FilmPuff reviews Haunted Village aka Arang over at Not A Film Critic (in Portuguese but you should all be using Google Chrome which will translate)

Christopher Bourne reviews Tale of Cinema (part of the Love Will Tear Us Apart series at Japan Society NYC) over at The Bourne Cinema Conspiracy.

Pierce Conran reviews one of my favorite films Chilsu and Mansu over at Modern Korean Cinema.

DB Borroughs reviews The Man Who Was Superman over at Unseen Films.

Our own Jeff Wildman reviews Oasis and The Chaser right here on cineAWESOME!

Alua reviews Treeless Mountain at Otherwhere.

John Berra covers Dream for VCinema.

Rebo Luistro reviews Black Dress over at Rebzombie Reviews.

VCinema drops Episode 40 covering Saving My Hubby over at VCinema.

James Brown takes a Time Out: An appreciative stroll through Promenade over at KOFFIA.

Tim Milfull talks about How Oldboy Changed the Way I view Asian Cinema for KOFFIA.

March 8, 2012

Pierce Conran comes back strong with a review of 2011′s Penny Pinchers over at Modern Korean Cinema.

Over at Unseen Films, DB Borroughs reviews the funny Hi Dharma 2.

Dini R. is back from We Eat Lemon, this time with a look at the ‘sugar, spice and everything nice’ Antique.

Richard Gray over at KOFFIA gives us a look at Lee Young-ae’s career.

Peter Nellhaus gives us a review of Blood Rain at Coffee Coffee and More Coffee.

At Laxante Cultural, Pedro Alfonso takes a look at Chan-wook Park’s controversial Thirst. (In Portuguese)

Over at Robot x Robot, Lynn Shipp compares the good, the bad and the ugly of Korean Comedies in My Sassy Girlfriend Vs. Crazy First Love.

The one and only Dr. Stan Glick writes about Tale of Cinema over at AsianCineFest.

Guest contributor Adam Hartzell writes about two of Martin Scorsese’s favorite films, Park Ki-young’s Camels and Park Chan-ok’s Jealousy Is My Middle Name over at VCinema.

Over at Genkina hito’s J-Film Review, Jason Maher takes a look at Kim Jee-woon’s directorial debut The Quiet Family.

Yogi reviews Joong-Hyun Kim’s Choked over at Yogi’s Movie Consumption Blog.

Pierce Conran reviews Jo Beom-goo’s Quick over at VCinema.

Orion gives us The Promotional Weaknesses of Korean Films (Abroad) over at Orion’s Ramblings.

DB Borroughs of Unseen Films has written a review for the film Cyrano Agency. (If you live in NYC, this coming Tuesday to see it for free)

Over at Life As Fiction, Rahat Ahmed reviews Lee Han’s Punch.

Kim Ki-duk’s 3-Iron is reviewed by L over at La Troisième Chambre. (In French, but you can translate it with Google Chrome)

Christopher Wheeler discusses Revenge: Korean Style over at KOFFIA.

Charles Heidel reviews Kim Jee-woon’s The Good, The Bad, The Weird over at Greetings From Movie City USA.

Jacob Feltner from the fantastic Podcast Without Honor and Humanity has recorded three more episodes, Oishii Man,Marathon and In Between Days.

Colleen Wanglund writes about Epitaph over at VCinema.

Over at our friends at KOFFIA, Sarah Ward is Delving Into the Darkness of Park Chan-wook.

March 9, 2012

Jaime Grijalba reviews I’m A Cyborg, But That’s Okay over at Exodus 8:2 in Spanish.

Paul Bramhall writes yet another great piece for KOFFIA, titled Hwang Jang-lee: King of the Leg Fighters, Hwang Jang-lee is generally awesome so you guys should really read this one.

Michel Boléchala reviews The Cat for our first French entry over at SHINE.

Samson Kwok talks about how he discovered Korean cinema in Original and Incredibly Fun: Discovering Korean Cinema over at KOFFIA.

Pierce Conran gives us the Weekly Review Roundup for 3/5-3/9 over at Modern Korean Cinema.

Ki Mun reviews Eighteen, Nineteen over at Scene in Korea.

DB Borroughs reviews Truck over at Unseen Films.

Antoniya Petkova reviews the DVD of Front Line at Cine Vue and Midnight FM and The Man from Nowhere over at iCov both from Coventry University East Asian Film Society.

Coventry University East Asian Film Society also gives us Spencer Murphy’s interview with Lee Jeong-beom, Sabina Pasaniuc’s review of Bedevilled, and Mihnea Gheorghita’s review of Yellow Sea all at Cine Vue.

Josh Samford reviews Yellow Sea over at Varied Celluloid.

Israel Serralvo writes about Il Asian Cinema Awards in Spanish over at Hola Corea.

Tom Kent-Williams over at VCinema writes about the Korean animation Sky Blue.

Pierce Conran, again from our friends at VCinema, gives us a ‘look’ at the Korean thriller Blind.

March 10, 2012

Jon Jung, head honcho of VCinema, reviews Metamorphosis.

Jimi reviews Power of Kangwon Province over at Oriental Film House.

Dini R. reviews both Christmas in August and Cyrano Agency over at We Eat Lemon.

DB Borroughs reviews Life is Cool and Little Pond over at Unseen Film.

Gail Kavanagh gives us 10 Reasons to Become A Korean Cinema Addict over at Asian Cinema Cafe.

Kimchi Soul reviews The Day He Arrives at Kimchi Soul.

Refresh Daemon reviews Marathon over at Init_Scenes.

James Schergen reviews Ad-Lib Night over at Flying Guillotine.

Mr. C reviews Tigresses over at Planet Chocko.

Paul Bramhall takes a walk In the Footsteps of the Stars: My Trip to the KOFIC Namyangju Studios over at KOFFIA.

Kieran Tully writes about Korean film down under: accessibility for Australian audiences over at KOFFIA

Joseph Sampson gives us 3 Korean Movies for all Seasons at KOFFIA.

Sarah Ward gives us Complex and Compelling: The Yellow Sea over at KOFFIA.

Orion gives us Promotional Weaknesses of Korean Movies (Domestic) over at Orion’s Ramblings.

Ki Mun reviews Stateless Things over at Scene in Korea.

March 11, 2012

Elwood Jones writes An Introduction To Korean Cinema over at From the Depths of DVD Hell.

Kimchi Soul gives us the Top 5 Korean Cinema Events in London over at Kimchi Soul.

Bruno Zunino reviews Il Mare over at Asiaphile (in French).

Marc Saint-Cyr reviews A Bittersweet Life for VCinema.

Refresh Deamon writes Commentary: My Korean Cinema Story about his own personal experience with Korean film over at Init_Scenes.

DB Borroughs reviews Quick and Oki’s Movie over at Unseen Films.

Paul Quinn reviews The Crucible (aka Silenced) over at Hangul Celluloid.

FilmPuff reviews Doll Master over at Not A Film Critic in Portuguese.

Pierce Conran reviews War of the Arrows over at Modern Korean Cinema.

Dini R. writes Impressionable and Recommendable Korean Movies over at We Eat Lemon.

Mondocurry reviews Quick at Unseen Films.

Andrew Saroch reviews Penny Pinchers and Blind over at Far East Films.

Orion reviews Hansel and Gretel over at Orion’s Ramblings.

James McCormick reviews Invasion of Alien Bikini right here on cineAWESOME!

Kieran Tully writes Busan Film Festival 2011: The Reviews over at Tully’s Recall. (can also be found on KOFFIA)


Paul Bramhall writes Kim Ji-woon: International or Korean?…Take Your Pick.

Raelene Loong writes Discovering Korean Cinema: J.S.A. Joint Security Area.

Hugo Ozman write about The Won and Only Won Bin.

Christopher Wheeler muses on Poetry: Discover how film can truly be a beautiful creature.

Paul Bramhall wrote Lights, Camera, ACTION! – My visit to the Seoul Action School (posted on the 8th and I missed it!)

Kieran Tully writes So you want to run a Korean Film Festival: The KOFFIA Story. (also posted on the 8th).

Pierce goes over the fortunes of Korean box office in this week's Korean Box Office Update at Modern Korean Cinema.

Brad takes Gullickson a look at The Warrior’s Way for cineAWESOME!.

Refresh Daemon reviews A Moment to Remember and gives us Commentary: Memorable Music Moments in Korean Film over at his blogs init_scenes and init_music.

mondocurry reviews My Dear Enemy for Unseen Films.

Pierce Conran looks at Upcoming Releases over at Modern Korean Cinema!

John Kreng reviews A Bittersweet Life for his self named blog!

Jenna reviews 200 Pound Beauty for Yam Magazine.

Amy and Julyssa LOVE Sunny over at Yam Magazine…seriously. They really love this film.

Colleen Wanglund gives us her 10 Favorite Korean Horror films over at VCinema.

Josh Samford grapples with the biopic RIKIDOZAN: A HERO EXTRAORDINAIRE at VCinema.

Reviews and features on Korean film appear regularly on Modern Korean Cinema.  For film news, external reviews, and box office analysis, take a look at the Korean Box Office UpdateKorean Cinema News and the Weekly Review Round-up, which appear weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings (GMT+1).

To keep up with the best in Korean film you can sign up to our RSS Feed, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

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