
Friday, August 5, 2011

Weekly Review Round-Up (07/30-08/05, 2011)

This is a brand new feature I am dabbling with which aims to round up all of the reviews published within the week on Korean films. I categorize them as: NEW KOREAN RELEASES, movies that have just or are about to be released in Korea; CURRENT WORLDWIDE RELEASES, new films that are making the rounds at film festivals or being released in foreign territories; and PAST FILMS, reviews for films that are no longer current.

The reviews will come from print sources, major websites, and blogs. If you know of reviews that are current but are not listed below please let me know via twitter or email. The formatting is for the moment very simple and I will likely change it in subsequent editions. I may or may not create a directory of reviews which I will maintain on a weekly basis with his update. Any suggestions or comments are most welcome!


(The Korea Times, August 4, 2011)

(Film Business Asia, August 4, 2011)

(Film Business Asia, July 30, 2011)

(The Korea Times, July 28, 2011)


(Montreal Gazette, August 1, 2011)

(The Bourne Cinema Conspiracy, August 1, 2011)

(Rockstar Weekly, August 4, 2011)

(Sounds Like Cinema, August 5, 2011)

(Sounds Like Cinema, August 5, 2011)


(New Korean Cinema, August 3, 2011)

Ghost Theatre, 2006 
(Hangul Celluloid, August 1, 2011)

(Modern Korean Cinema, August, 2, 2011)

The Restless, 2006 
(Modern Korean Cinema, August 3, 2011)

The Weekly Review Round-up is a weekly feature which brings together all available reviews of Korean films in the English language (and sometimes French) that have recently appeared on the internet. It is by no means a comprehensive feature and additions are welcome (email pierceconran [at] gmail [dot] com). It appears every Friday morning (GMT+1) on Modern Korean Cinema. For other weekly features, take a look at Korean Cinema News, and the Korean Box Office UpdateReviews and features on Korean film also appear regularly on the site. 

To keep up with the best in Korean film you can sign up to our RSS Feed, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

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